Following are the benefits of Electronic Data Interchange:- 1.Speed:- Information moving between computers moves more rapidly and with little or...
Mentor Way
Electronic data interchange (EDI) Is the electronic exchange of business documents in standard, computer-processable, universally accepted format between the business...
Inter-organizational e-commerce refers to the full spectrum of e-commerce that can occur between two organizations. It is the e-commerce between...
B2B E-commerce: Business-to-business (B2B) e-commerce is the largest form of e-commerce. It is the e-commerce between two organizations. It is...
WBCHSE Result 2019:- West Bengal Council of Higher Secondary Education or WBCHSE was established in the year 1975. WBCHSE conducted...
A charge card is like a credit card without the option to pay you balances off over time. With a...
Credit cards are another popular form of payment systems. They allow consumers to extend their purchasing power. As a result,...
Following are the features of an Electronic Wallet:- Consumers need to enter their information just once in the E-wallet, instead...
An Electronic Wallet(E-wallet), also called Digital Wallet, is a piece of software that allows a user to make an electronic...
An E-payment System typically involves the following phases:- 1.Registration:- This phase involves the registration of the payer and the payee...