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Information Warfare-Strategies Used In Information Warfare

2 min read
Information Warfare-Strategies Used In Information Warfare

Information warfare refers to the conflict between two Information or more groups in the information environment. The main purpose of the information warfare is deletion of critical information. It is performed by insiders, terrorists, hackers, criminals, etc. Target of information warfare is to gain information superiority.

Info. warfare refers to creating chaos by damaging the computer system and resources that are used to manage the various sector of critical infrastructure. It targets the information systems that are used to manage the power grids, air traffic control systems, telecommunications, research and development activities, defence systems, stock exchanges etc.

Info. warfare involves the use and management of information and communication technology in pursuit of a competitive advantage over an opponent.

It results in the loss of data, illegal exploitation of the communication systems, data manipulation, manipulation of information system etc. The main motives of information warfare are gaining competitive edge, revenge, political advantage, military advantage etc.

Information warfare includes the use and abuse of computer system and resources to undermine the information infrastructure of an adversary. The main objectives of information warfare are obtaining information of an adversary, causing severe destruction information infrastructure of a nation and spreading propaganda.


Attack Strategies Used in Information Warfare

Access to the data can be denied by attacking the hardware or systems containing the data or its collection or deletion of data. It could also involve the delaying of access to data to the points at which it become useless.

Disruption can b caused to the system that collects and stores the data, or to that part of the system which disseminates it. Destruction of the data can occur by physical destruction of the storage medium, or the data itself, so it becomes irrecoverable in the time needed to make it useful.

The corporate data is confidential and can also be of competitive advantage. Theft of this data might give insights into the workings of the attacked thereby giving the attacker a possible business, negotiation, or criminal advantage.

Information can be manipulated or created to provide the target or its environment with a perception that develops behaviours detrimental to the target, or beneficial to the attacker.

Information can be intercepted thus giving the interceptor an advantageous insight into the target organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, and intentions. This information can be gained legitimately or illegitimately.

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