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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Travel and Tourism Chapter 4 Promoting Tourism

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Travel and Tourism Chapter 4 Promoting Tourism

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Travel and Tourism Chapter 4 Promoting Tourism

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Chapter 4 Promoting Tourism are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Chapter 4 Promoting Tourism.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 10
Subject English Main Course Book
Chapter Unit 5 Chapter 4
Chapter Name Promoting Tourism
Category NCERT Solutions

CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Travel and Tourism Chapter 4 Promoting Tourism


Question 1.
Based on your reading of the article above, answer the following questions :

  1. What evidence does the author provide to support his view that our efforts to attract foreign tourists have been unsuccessful ?
  2. What, according to you, may be the reasons for such a bleak scenario ?
  3. What is the shift in tourism policy recommended by the author ? What are his arguments for such a shift ?
  4. What are the two initiatives taken by Karnataka that signify marked change in its marketing strategy ?
  5. Why have Kerala’s tourism figures grown while those of some other states have remained static ?
  6. Why does the author say that we should now make efforts to attract the domestic traveller ? What are the areas that we should focus on to achieve it ?
  7. Why does the author say, “Clearly Tourism, like Charity, begins at home ?”


1. Our efforts to attract foreign tourists have been constantly unsuccessful. The evidence is that Malaysia and China entered the tourism market much after India. But in 2009. Malaysia had 23.6 million foreign arrivals and China 50.9 million. On the other hand, India had just 5.1 million tourists.

2. The reason for this bleak scenario is that India has been courting the wrong tourist. We have been running after aggressive looking foreign tourists who come in small number. Their own countries are hit by recession. They are very demanding too. We have not been trying to get tourists from countries such as China, Russia and South America.

3. The author recommends the shift. He wants to give more importance to the domestic tourist. He cites Homa Mistry’s (CEO of Travel Corporation of India) efforts. Homa Mistry doubled the business from the new markets of China, Russia and South America and of course the domestic tourists.

4. Karnataka has effected the change too. Formerly the state of Karnataka ran Golden Chariot Tourist train for foreigners only. Now it runs Jewel of the South tour for well- off Indian tourists also. Karnataka has another attraction for rich and young Indian tourists. It is Jungle Camps and Trails. It is a new version of Jungle Lodges and Resorts which were made for the foreigners. These two things signify a marked change in Karnataka’s marketing strategy.

5. Kerala’s tourism figures have grown while those of some other states have remained static. This has happened because Kerala’s Tourism secretary, Dr. Venu has shifted his focus. In 2006-07, Kerala targeted 60% international and 40% domestic tourists. He allocated the state’s tourism resources accordingly. He organised partnership meets in non-metro cities all around India. These meets were between the tourism professionals of Kerala and those cities. The result was that the tourism figures in Kerala grew while they remained unchanged in many states. These were the states which still depended on small and uncertain foreign market.

6. The author gives arguments in support of his contention. The contention is that greater emphasis should be laid to attract domestic tourists. In 2009 India received 5.11 million foreign tourists. On the other hand, more than 11 million Indians went as tourists to foreign markets. If we concentrate on improving facilities for the domestic tourist, the outflow of Indian tourists and rupees will reduce. Better infrastructure such as roads, airports, hygiene will also attract more international visitors. So these are the areas we should focus on.

7. The author says that tourism like charity begins at home. He means that first we should create tourist facilities for the domestic tourist. Madhya Pradesh is one of those states which realised this truth early. Their ‘Heart of India’ campaign and its current version targeted the domestic traveller. So the domestic tourist flocked to Madhya Pradesh and the others followed.

Question 2.
Find words or phrases from the passage that mean the same as the following.

(a) to renovate, redo, or revise (paragraph 1)
(b) trying to win the favor, preference, or goodwill of (paragraph 1)
(c) come in small numbers (paragraph 4)
(d) well-off; rich (paragraph 5)
(e) friendly (paragraph 6)
(f) wanting or enjoying expensive pleasures (paragraph 6)


(a) → Revamp
(b) → Re-woo
(c) → Trickling
(d) → Well-heeled
(e) → Affable
(f) → Sybaritic.

Question 3.
Imagine that you are the Director of the Department of Tourism of the State of Palwal Pradesh. You have recently received the following letter from the Minister of Tourism.
Please read the letter carefully. It will help us in answering question no. 5.

Question 4.
In section D.6 you will write the report asked for. First though, it is necessary to study the following statistics and draw appropriate conclusions. Work in groups of four. Discuss the three figures in this section and the questions that follow each figure, and write notes to answer those questions. (Contrary to the recent trends, foreign tourists visiting Palwal Pradesh outnumber domestic tourists).

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  1. What has been the general trend in the number of tourists visiting Palwal Pradesh over the last five years ?
  2. Which groups have shown increases, and by how much ?
  3. Suggest reasons for the changes over the last five years, for both groups of tourists.


  1. The general trend in the number of tourists has been that the number of tourists, both Indian and foreigners, has been increasing.
  2. Foreign tourists have shown more increases. Their number during the last five years has increased from 40000 to 1,00,000.
  3. The chief reasons for the changes are :

I. Foreign Tourists :

(a) The Government has exposed the country’s tourist spots very favourably. This has attracted a large number of foreign tourists to visit India.

(b) There is now an increased awareness of our country as a tourist destination in the foreign countries. Due to this the tourists want to know more about India and its age-old culture.

(c) An increased number of five and four-star hotels and other good quality hotels— both private and Government—have come out at the tourist spots during the last decade.

(d) Many reputed Travel Agencies have also sprung up. They have a contact with their counterparts in other countries. They take every care to make the visit of the foreign tourists comfortable by arranging package tours.

II. Indian Tourists :

(a) At local level there has grown a public awareness for tourism within the country. Consequently, many middle class families have started local sight-seeing.

(b) Various government schemes like Leave Travel Concession to govt, employees, subsidized and concessional travel to students etc, for educational tours have contributed to the increase of tourists.

(c) Improvement in the standard of living is also a positive factor in this direction. It has definitely boosted tourism.

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  1. For each group of tourists, which is the most popular type of accommodation ?
  2. How many tourists of each group stayed in these most popular types of accommodation ?
  3. Suggest why different types of accommodation are popular with different types of tourists.


1. For Indian tourists guest houses are the most popular type of accommodation. For foreign tourists 5 and 4 star hotels are the most popular type of accommodation.

2. 25000 Indian tourists stayed in the guest houses. 47000 foreign tourists stayed in 5 and 4 star hotels.

3. Guest houses are popular with Indian tourists because of two reasons. First, they are affordable. Secondly, the atmosphere and the fobd are to their taste.

Four and five star accommodation is popular with the foreigners because this caters to their different needs. Besides the modern facilities, these hotels provide each foreigner the food of his/her choice.

Type of accommodation Number Total number of beds Occupancy rate (in%)
5 star hotels 3 780 85
4 star hotels 5 500 92
3 star hotels 10 350 65
1 and 2 star hotels 16 465 82
Guest houses 32 255 78
Youth hostels 13 780 95

Fig. 3 Types of accommodation (this year’s figures)

  1. What does the final column mean ? Why is it important ?
  2. There are three 5 star hotels and 13 youth hostels, yet each type of accommodation has the same number of beds. Explain.
  3. Which are the two most popular types of accommodation ?
  4. Which types of accommodation have occupancy rates of 85% or over ?


  1. The final column shows how far the available accommodation is being used. So it gives us valuable information. It is important when we plan to create additional accommodation. We should first create the type of accommodation which is much in demand.
  2. It means that a 5 star hotel has at an average 260 beds. On the other hand, a youth hostel has at an average only 60 beds.
  3. The two most popular types of accommodation are the 5 star hotels and youth hostels.
  4. 5-star hotels, 4-star hotels and youth hostels have occupancy rates of 85% or over.

Question 5.
Work with a partner to write the report asked for in D.4. You are the Director of Tourism for Palwal Pradesh. Make sure that ……

  • you answer all the questions raised by the Minister.
  • you quote from the statistics in Q.4 to support the points you make.
  • you follow the report format and style in Q.6 below.
  • you use the language advice given in Q.7 below.

First study Q.6 and Q.7. Then (working in pairs) write your report.

Question 6.

From : Shankar Murti, Director of Tourism, Palwal Pradesh
To : Minister of Tourism, Palwal Pradesh
Date : 3 March, 20 – –

A study of the present trends of tourism in Palwal Pradesh, their main features and projections for 10 years’ time


The following are our findings and suggestions.

1. Current trends : The current trends show that the number of foreign tourists visiting Palwal Pradesh has been constantly increasing. It has increased from 40000 to 1,00,000 in the last five years. On the other hand the number of Indian tourists has been rising and falling. During that same five year’s time, their number has increased from 25000 to about 50000.

1.1. Origin of tourists : So the trend suggests that most of the tourists to Palwal Pradesh are of foreign origin.

1.2. Accommodation : Currently, there seems to be just enough accommodation for both types of tourists. The preferred destination of the foreign tourist has mainly been 5 star and 4 star hotels. Of the 780 beds available in five star hotels, the occupancy rate has been 85% while of the 400 beds of 4 star hotels, it has been 92%. For the domestic tourist, the preferred accommodation has been youth hostels and 1 star hotels.

This is hardly surprising because domestic tourists cannot afford luxury accommodation. They prefer to spend less on accommodation.

2. Predictions for 10 years in the Future :

2.1. Origin of Tourists : The indications are that the number of foreign tourists may go up to 6 lac by the end of the next ten years. If the present trend continues, the number of domestic tourists may rise to one lac.

2.2. Accommodation : Palwal Pradesh has to increase the accommodation. The biggest increase is needed in the number of 4 star hotels. Their number must increase from the present no. 5 to 30-35 in ten years. The number of 5 star hotels should increase from 3 to 18-20. 1, 2 and 3 star hotels are being taken by both groups of tourists. So their number should increase in the same proportion ie, about 6 times each. The same thing is true of guest houses. However, the greatest need is to increase the number of youth hostels which should be increased from 13 to 32.

3. Recommendations : There has been a steady rise in the number of foreign tourist. So special attention should be given to create facilities for them.

To attract the domestic tourists, more youth hostels and single star accommodation be created.

I am confident of a good tourism future of Palwal Pradesh.
(Shankar Murti)
Director of Tourism
Palwal Pradesh

Question 7.
In your written report, you will find the following language useful:
when describing trends and changes
No question asked.

Question 8.
A Final Check….
Before you hand in your report:

  1. Have you answered all the questions in the Minister’s letter in D.4 ?
  2. Have you proof-read your report for accuracy in grammar, spelling and punctuation ?
  3. Is your report written in a simple, easy-to-read, interesting style ?
  4. Have you asked a classmate to read your report, and give you feedback on it ?

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Chapter 4 Promoting Tourism help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 5 Chapter 4 Promoting Tourism, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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