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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 3 Rain on the Roof

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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 3 Rain on the Roof

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 3 Rain on the Roof

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 3 Rain on the Roof are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 3 Rain on the Roof.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 9
Subject English Beehive (poem)
Chapter Chapter 3
Chapter Name Rain on the Roof
Category NCERT Solutions

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem 3 Rain on the Roof

Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow each :

I. When the humid shadows hover
Overall the starry spheres
And the melancholy darkness
Gently weeps in rainy tears
What a bliss to press the pillow
Of a cottage-chamber bed
And lie listening to the patter
Of the soft rain overhead! (Page 41) (Imp.)

” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 3 Rain on the Roof Q.1


  1. How does the darkness look? What does it do?
  2. What happens to the pillow when it rains?
  3. When does the poet feel ‘bliss’?
  4. Give the meaning of ‘melancholy’.


  1. It looks sad. It gently weeps in rainy tears.
  2. It gets wet.
  3. The poet feels it in hearing the sound of the falling rain and pressing the wet pillow.
  4. It means ‘sadness’.

II. Every tinkle on the shingles
Has an echo in the heart;
And a thousand dreamy
fancies Into busy being start,
And a thousand recollections
Weave their air-threads into woof,
As I listen to the patter
Of the rain upon the roof. (Page 41) (V. Imp.)

” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 3 Rain on the Roof Q.2


  1. What does a ‘tinkle’ do?
  2. What happens when a tinkle echoes in the heart?
  3. What do recollections do?
  4. When do all these things happen?


  1. It creates an echo in the heart.
  2. A thousand dreamy fancies are created in the heart.
  3. They create a woof of air-threads.
  4. When the poet listens to the pattering sound of rain.

III. Now in memory comes my mother,
As she used in years agone,
To regard the darling dreamers
Ere she left them till the dawn : (Page 41)

” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 3 Rain on the Roof Q.3


  1. When does the poet’s mother come in his memory ?
  2. How did the poet’s mother treat the dreamers ?
  3. Who are the darling dreamers ?
  4. Give the meaning of‘ere’.


  1. When he listens to the sounds caused by the falling of the rain.
  2. She treated them with respect.
  3. The darling dreamers are the fancies of the poet’s mother.
  4. It means ‘before’.

IV. O ! I feel her fond look on me
As I list to this refrain
Which is played upon the shingles
By the patter of the rain. (page 41)

” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 3 Rain on the Roof Q.4


  1. Whose ‘fond look’ is it that the poet feels ?
  2. How is the ‘refrain’ created ?
  3. How does the poet feel the ‘bliss’ of his mother ?
  4. Give the rhyme scheme of this stanza.


  1. It is of his mother.
  2. It is created by the rain falling on the shingles.
  3. He feels it through the ‘bliss’ caused by the falling of the rain.
  4. It is ab cb.

(Page 42)

Thinking About the Poem
I. 1. What do the following phrases mean to you ? Discuss in class.

  1. humid shadows
  2. starry spheres
  3. what a bliss
  4. a thousand dreamy fancies into busy being start
  5. a thousand recollections weave their air-threads into woof

2. What does the poet like to do when it rains ?
3. What is the single major memory that comes to the-poet ? Who are the “darling dreamers” he refers to ?
4. Is the poet now a child ? Is his mother still alive ?


  1. Humid shadows – Shadows of various things which are wet during the rainy season
  2. Starry spheres – Star areas or group of stars in the sky
  3. What a bliss – It is a great bliss.
  4. A thousand dreamy fancies into busy being start – The poet starts feeling into his body thousands of dream-like fancies due to the falling of the rain.
  5. a thousand recollections weave their air-threads into woof – When it rains, hundreds of memories come to the poet’s mind. They then weave a weft with the help of air-threads.

2. The poet likes to feel the presence of his mother. It is a bliss for him.
3. The poet’s mother is the single major memory that comes to the poet. ‘Darling dreamers’ are those ‘children who dream of their mothers like the poet’.
4. The poet is not a child but is grown-up. His mother is not alive. But he still remembers her much.


  1. When you were a young child, did your mother tuck you in, as the poet’s did ?
  2. Do you like rain ? What do you do when it rains steadily or heavily as described in the poem ?
  3. Does everybody have a cosy bed to lie in when it rains ? Look around you and describe how different kinds of people or animals spend time, seek shelter etc. during rain.

1. Yes, I remember my mother used to tuck me in when I was a child. Whenever I said theft I couldn’t walk, she would lift me in her lap and carry me. She used to be worried whenever something happened to me.

2. Yes, I greatly like the rain. I go out in the rain when it is light. But when it rains steadily or heavily, I do not go in it. It is very pleasant to get drenched in rain during summer.

3. Not all have a cosy bed to lie in when it rains. However, the number of persons having such a comfort is increasing. I have seen many persons enjoying rainy season by eating “hot pakoras’.

Various animals are caught in the rain. Many of them keep standing in it. But many go under a cover. People do not go out on the roads when it rains. They stand and wait for it to stop. Rains do bring in some problems. These check people’s activities

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 3 Rain on the Roof help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Beehive Poem Chapter 3 Rain on the Roof, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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