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NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Radio and Video Show Chapter 1 Radio Show

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Radio and Video Show Chapter 1 Radio Show

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Radio and Video Show Chapter 1 Radio Show

NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Radio and Video Show Chapter 1 Radio Show are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Radio and Video Show Chapter 1 Radio Show.

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 9
Subject English Main Course Book
Chapter Unit 4 Chapter 1
Chapter Name Radio Show
Category NCERT Solutions

CBSE Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Radio and Video Show Chapter 1 Radio Show

(Page 72)

Question 1.
First, you will hear a local radio programme, which will give you ideas for your own programme. You will hear the programme twice. First, listen without writing anything.

  • Presenter 1 : A very good day to all our listeners. This is your local radio station, Class IX Local Radio – bringing you up-to-the – minute news, current affairs, music, interviews, round-ups – and much much more.
  • Presenter 2 : Yes, and in today’s programme we have a special report from Ketaki Lahiri on “Safety at School”.
  • Presenter 1 : Nikhil Gomes brings you his regular weekly review of “Beyond the Timetable”,
  • Presenter 2 : And Leena invites you to “Meet the Teacher”.
  • Presenter 1 : And lots more – jokes, news – you name it and we have it. We start with the round-up of School News by our roving correspondent – Anant Singh. Anant, over to you.

Anant : Good morning, everybody! The highlight of this weeks’ School News is that our school football team lost every single match it played in the YMCA football tournament at league level. The physical education teacher is so livid that he has threatened to make the school team practice on a double time schedule from tomorrow. So, friends, it’s “wake-up” at 4 a.m for all footballers henceforth.

The other news around school is that the tiny tots were taken on a visit to the zoo. Some, it is said, did not wish to return. One accompanying teacher, we are told, had a tough time convincing them that life outside is better!

Class XII put on a one-act play “Examination Fever” which was written, directed and produced by them. The proceeds from this show are being sent to “Prathyasha” – an organisation that helps handicapped children. Look out next week for new faces around the school. A group of 20 students from Japan are arriving on a cultural exchange programme, We might even get one of them on our next edition of The Class IX Radio Show!

Presenter 1 :
So … Lots happening at school, it seems,-and lots more on your Local Radio. It’s time for jokes now. Over to you, Hafeez and Aarohi.
Aarohi : Waiter, waiter, what’s wrong with these eggs?
Hafeez : I don’t know. I only laid the table;
Aarohi : Waiter, waiter, what’s this fly doing in my soup?
Hafeez : Breaststroke, I think, Sir,
Teacher : I wish-you would pay a little more attention.
Pupil : I’m paying as little as I can.
Teacher : You should have been here at 9 o’clock.
Pupil : Why, what happened?

Presenter 2 :
Thank you, Hafeez and Aarohi. And don’t forget, listeners, to send in your jokes. Every original joke will win you a reward of Rs10/- for each one played on your favourite radio programme – Class IX Local Radio – the station just for you.

Presenter 1 :
And now to your regular spot “Meet the Teacher”, in which Leena interviews one of your favourite teachers to discover the real person “behind the chalk dust”. So it’s all yours, Leena.
Leena : Thank you ! I’m delighted today to be able to interview the Head of the Science Department, Mr Chirag Sharma. Mr Sharma, what all our listeners are dying to know is – are you as strict at home as you are at school?
Mr Sharma : (Laughs heartily). I don’t have a bunch of forty naughty children at home.
Leena : Did you ever get into trouble when you were at school?
Mr Sharma : Have you ever thought about how I am able to catch you in your tricks? I was usually up to the same tricks at school! No, I’m afraid my teachers were not very happy with me.
Leena : How good were you in your studies, Sir?
Mr Sharma : Ah, that was my strong point. My work was always up-to-date and fairly good. I was naughty, but I was also keen to learn more.
Leena : How do you spend your evenings and holidays, Sir?
Mr Sharma : I like to spend time at home with my teenage children. We have common tastes in music.
Leena : Any message for our listeners Sir?
Mr Sharma : Yes. Fun and-play have their place in our lives. We must enjoy our play. At the same time, we must work with enthusiasm and sincerity.
Leena : Thank you, sir !

Presenter 2 :
Thank you Leena for that fascinating interview. I’m sure we all know, now what makes Mr Sharma ‘tick’. And now it’s time for a break. It’s “advert time”.
“Buy two but pay for one!”
Ruchita of VIIC has a fabulous offer. Two pencil boxes for the price of one. Pay Rs 5/ for the bargain.
Lost : A Keltron calculator. Krishna of Class XIIA has offered a treat in the
school canteen to the finder.

Presenter 1 : And now, a very serious subject. Ketaki has been researching the topic ‘Safety at School’. She has come up with some very disturbing findings. This is the report. Ketaki?
Ketaki : As I went around the senior school I was alarmed to find a number of broken electric sockets with exposed wires. Beware of this hidden danger, senior students. That brings me to another danger – this time in the primary block. The lid of the ground level water tank is broken. Till it is repaired, students are warned not to go anywhere near it.

Presenter 2 :
Well, time’s up boys and girls of Class IX Local Radio – bringing you news and entertainment of interest to you, in your school and locality. Until next week …
Answer :
No question asked.

Question 2.
Before you listen for the second time, discuss the following with your partner.
(a) Why are there two presenters ?
(b) What is the presenters’ role ?
(c) What is the presenters’ style ? Do you like their style ? Why / Why not ?
(d) Why do the presenters outline some of the contents right at the start of the programme ?
Answer :
(a) There are two presenters to give us an objective rendering of the programme. More-over, they lend a dramatic style in their conversation to the programme. It becomes interesting and lively. Secondly, it holds the attention of the listener to the items presented therein.

(b) The presenters’ role is mainly to present the programme. One presenter acts as an anchor. He introduces the participants in the programme to the listeners and ‘disappears’.

(c) The presenters’ style is lively and maintains the suspense. The style is, of course, liked. It builds up the interest and suspense of the listeners. It is objective and thrilling. It does not let the listeners get bored or feel disinterested in the programme.

(d) The presenters outline some of the contents right at the start of the programme. This is done to arouse the interest of the listeners and maintain it throughout. The listener wants to know what he is going to listen, from where and from whom, etc. A programme is meant to cater to the needs of all the listeners. So it is necessary to introduce it briefly to the listeners before it is actually started.

Question 3.
Now hear the Radio programme and fill in as much information as you can in the following table. Then exchange information with your partner to complete the table.
” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Radio and Video Show Chapter 1 Radio Show 1
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Is there enough variety of content?
Answer :
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Yes, there is enough variety of contents. It is from ‘news’ spread over to jokes and social programme like ‘safety at school’.

Question 4.
Now it is your turn. Write and produce your own radio programme. You will need to select your own content. The following are some ideas. You are free, of course, to add your own ideas. Remember, the programme must be in English.
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  • News stories : about people in your class, about school, about sports (school and local), about the local community
  • Comedy : jokes, short plays
  • Interviews : with teachers, with exstudents of your school, with a Class IX student who has recently done something very interesting
  • Games : general knowledge quiz, panel game, word game
  • Advertasements : for shops/ industries in the local community, things ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ by students
  • Local sites : monuments / sites of historical importance and of tourist interest Special reports: e.g. safety at school, examination results, school uniform, school assemblies
  • Interesting people : role-play interviews with film stars, sports personalities, TV personalities, etc.
  • Entertainment reviews : music, films, videos, books, etc.
  • Plays :
  • Songs : with lyrics
  • Speeches : on important personalities
  • Tele conference : with students, teachers, experts.

Answer :
Do yourself. No question asked.

Question 5.
As a class, you will need to follow these steps
(a) Decide the length of your programme
(b) Select two lively presenters whose job is to :

  • discuss and agree with other students on their proposals for the programme.
  • fix the duration of each item.
  • ensure that the programme has enough variety of content.
  • decide the sequence of items.
  • supervise the script for each item.
  • present the programme in a lively manner.
  • Now enjoy performing / watching the show.

Answer :
Answers to point nos. Question 4, Question 5 are related to the task of producing ‘Class IX Radio Programme’. They can best be dealt with and organised at class level and guidance of class teacher. This all is to be done with the guidance, control and supervision of class teacher.

However, a specimen Class IX Radio Programme is given below prepared, as required, in answer to all these points :

Class IX local Radio Programme 

Presenter 1 :
Good morning to all our listeners. This is your local radio station Class IX Local Radio – bringing you the latest news, current affairs, tit-bits and jokes, interviews, ‘Advert Time’, special reports, music, etc, and more.

Presenter 2 :
Yes, and in today’s programme we have a special report from Praveen Kumar on “safety at school” and jokes from your favourite, Om Prakash Malik.

Presenter 2 :
And Suhail invites you to listen to his “Meet Our Old Students”. Jaggi will regale you with his melodious tunes.

Presenter 1 :
And much more in jokes, roving microphone, quiz contest, and our school orchestra—you name the programme and it is before you. We start with the “News of the week” from Ashish. Ashish over to you.

Ashish :
Good morning, everybody ! The highlight of this week’s school news is that our cricket team won the match with St. Joseph’s School at Ramlila Grounds by 3 wickets. T.K. Alias Tribhu scored a century, bagging the Running Trophy.

Our school organized a trip to Nek Chand’s famous Rock Gardens in Chandigarh. Our teachers, Shri. R.K. Singh, P. Kumar and Miss Ruchika led the school children round the unique creations of soldiers, policemen, and hawkers.

Class IX D put up a one-act hilarious comedy. “Mr. Pumpkin Gets Wedded” made all roll in laughter. The play centred on the social evil of child marriage. The proceeds of the play are being sent to ‘Koshish’. It is an organisation for the services of the spastic children. Look out next week for hearing our students who will be back from Moscow after a fortnight’s Tour to Russia.

Presenter 1 :
So Lots of things will be brought to you next week over your own Local Radio. It’s time now for jokes from Praveen Kumar. Over to Praveen Kumar and Ashu Purohit.
Praveen : Ashu, I hear your wife has been lost. Did you lodge an FIR with the Police Station ?
Ashu : No.
Praveen : Why not ? ,
Ashu : ….. because last time the police had brought her home. Extend programme yourself as above.

We hope the NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Radio and Video Show Chapter 1 Radio Show help you. If you have any query regarding NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Radio and Video Show Chapter 1 Radio Show, drop a comment below and we will get back to you at the earliest.

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