October 27, 2024


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Biophilic Design For Performance & Productivity

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Biophilic Design For Performance & Productivity

Biophilic Design For Performance & Productivity

Biophilic Design For Performance & Productivity
Biophilic Design For Performance & Productivity


Thanks to the abundance of millennial-run dotcoms, most people think that every office needs a recreation room with spunky furniture, multiple glass partitions, indoor playgrounds and individual exuberant workstations well not exactly.

These days, it’s all about technology, collaboration, employee engagement and productivity and how innovative office design can inspire and empower employees to do their best work.

The latest trend is to have open floor plans and shared desks that allow employees to connect and bounce ideas off each other. Today employees expect workplaces that are healthy, fun, inspiring, comfortable, urban yet green—that is, spaces that make them feel good.

As employees spend more than half their waking hours at work.  It is important to keep them engaged and productive hence an office space needs to be designed with that goal in mind. That is it must be designed for people working in that space with the ultimate aim of enhancing performance and productivity.

Given the benefits of engaged, creative and productive employees, organizations today are placing a greater importance on spaces that promote employee health and well-being, hence the growing popularity of alternative spaces and activity-based environments, among others and one of the main theme most are incorporating in office design is “Natural Green Biophilic Design”.

Biophilic Design For Performance & Productivity

Biophilic design has its roots in human’s instinctive bond with nature and natural elements. Scientific research shows and common sense dictates that spending our days in windowless, fluorescent-lamp lit, poorly ventilated, noisy, stressful work environments is detrimental to our health and well-being.

Biophilic design goes beyond adding a few plants in the office.

It incorporates nature through natural forms, colors, textures and lighting. Some of the most popular biophilic design elements include living or green walls like plants mounted on wood, metal fencing or strings, rooftop and vertical gardens, indoor greenhouses, naturally lit glass panels, stone surfaces and indoor grassy areas, as well as renewable energy sources, grey water systems and air purification systems.

Biophilic design is scientifically proven to reduce stress, promote physical, mental and emotional health, boost energy and creativity, and improve employee performance and job satisfaction.

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