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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Environment Chapter 1 Treading the Green Path: Towards Preservation

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NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Environment Chapter 1 Treading the Green Path: Towards Preservation

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Environment Chapter 1 Treading the Green Path: Towards Preservation

NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Chapter 1 Treading The Green Path: Towards Preservation are part of NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English. Here we have given NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Chapter 1 Treading The Green Path: Towards Preservation

Board CBSE
Textbook NCERT
Class Class 10
Subject English Main Course Book
Chapter Unit 4 Chapter 1
Chapter Name Treading the Green Path: Towards Preservation
Category NCERT Solutions

CBSE Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Environment Chapter 1 Treading The Green Path: Towards Preservation


Question 1.
The author of the article had made the following subheadings, but they got mixed up. Re-order them in the correct sequence, and write the number(s) of the paragraphs that would come under each subheading.

(а) The network of rainforest research stations
(b) Whitaker’s achievements
(c) People support
(d) Whitaker’s love for nature, his vision and ambition
(e) The Agumbe station
(f) Water shortage and the need to save rainforests
(g) Becoming a conservationist

” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Environment Chapter 1 Treading the Green Path Towards Preservation 1

Question 2.
On the basis of your reading of the above article choose the correct option to complete the following statements :

1. Romulus Whitaker was able to pursue his dream because

(a) he was determined
(b) of his fascination with nature
(c) he didn’t have a regular job
(d) he was sympathetic

2. Romulus’s ambition was to

(a) save reptiles and frogs
(b) establish rainforest research stations
(c) start a water conservation project
(d) create awareness about the king cobra

3. Whitaker was able to fulfill his ambition with the help of

(a) his friends and colleagues
(b) Whitley award money
(c) Rolex award money
(d) his personal savings

4. Whitaker evolved from a Naturalist to Conservationist because he realized that

(a) Naturalists get obsessed with animals
(b) It was the requirement of Rolex award
(c) Conservationist has more importance than naturalist
(d) Animals cannot be saved without saving their habitat

5. According to Whitaker the most serious threat facing the humanity is

(a) Forest clearance
(b) Drying of rivers
(c) Water shortage
(c) Climate change

6. The mission ofAgumbe research station is to

(a) Educate children
(b) Play host to Researchers, Journalists and Naturalists
(c) Sustainable development of forest products
(d) All the above


  1. (b) of his fascination with nature
  2. (b) establish rainforest research stations
  3. (b) Whitley award money
  4. (d) Animals cannot be saved without saving their habitat
  5. (c) Water shortage
  6. (d) All the above

Question 3.
The dwindling forest cover not only threatens the habitat of millions of species but also endangers water reserves. On the basis of the above article and the visual input given, write a letter to the editor of a national daily expressing your concern about the threat to the bio reserves.
(a) No Questions asked
(b) Threat to animals



VulnerableEndangered Endangered



Fish 50% 20% 10% 20%
Amphibians 70% 10% 12% 8%
Reptiles 40% 30% 17% 13%
Birds 90% 5% 3% 2%
Mammals 75% 10% 8% 7%


15 L, Model Town
17 November, 20 – –
The Editor
The Daily Times
New Delhi

Subject: Dwindling forest cover—a threat to the bio reserves

Dear Sir

Kindly publish the following views of mine in the appropriate columns of your esteemed daily.

It is a fact that forest cover all over the world is fast dwindling. For instance, during 2000-2005 more than 4 million acres of forests disappeared ; 3.9 to 5,00,00 acres have also gone forever.

The dwindling forest cover resulted in a serious threat to various animals. For instance, 50% fish stand threatened. 20% of them are vulnerable to being endangered ; 10% endangered and 20% critically endangered. Amphibians, to the extent of 70%, are not endangered. But 30% of them do stand endangered. 12% of them are endangered ; 8% critically endangered and 10% are vulnerable to being endangered. Regarding reptiles, 60% stand endangered. 30% are vulnerable to being endangered, 17% are endangered and 13% critically endangered. 10% birds stand endangered and 25% mammals are threatened.

Dwindling forest reserves are a potent danger to food, fodder, timber, water etc. Soil erosion takes place. Flora and fauna disappears which causes the flow of water direct to the oceans and not into the ground. This doesn’t recharge the ground water table. Most importantly, there is a threat of droughts, famines etc, and scarcity of rain. Weather patterns have changed due to global warming. These effects have started showing their results in the form of climate change and consequent problems. This has forced the world countries to seriously think about conservation of forests and other means.

Forests are the sustainable sources of keeping biodiversity intact. So their disappearance means threat to humanity. Therefore, they need to be generated to rehabilitate the environment and ecosystem.

Yours faithfully
Bhupinder Singh

Question 4.
Romulus Whitaker has been awarded the Whitley Award for his work towards conservation of nature. He is in town for a press conference. Choose a student for the Hot Seat-to role play Whitaker. Divide the class into three groups; one group of students will be responsible for interviewing Whitaker. The second group will note down the interaction and the third group will issue a report for the class newsletter.
Classroom activity. Class is to be divided into three groups. One student to role play Whitaker. One group of students to interview Whitaker. The second group will note down the interaction (at this press conference). The third group to issue a report for the class newsletter.

Students of one group to put the following questions to ‘Mr. Whitaker’.

I. Questions

  1. Well, Mr. Whitaker, what precisely has maae you a nature lover, say, an Environmentalist ?
  2. Mr. Whitaker, what has been your current ambition, ?
  3. What helped you set up the Agumbe Rainforest Research Station ?
  4. What has been your best environmental documentary ?
  5. What, Mr. Whitaker, made it possible for you to receive an Honourable Mention in the Rolex Awards for Enterprise and how did you use it ?
  6. Mr. Whitaker, what major problem did you envisage regarding water shortage, pollution and climate change ?
  7. Please elaborate on the plan behind these Research Stations at Agurnbe.
  8. Mr. Whitaker, how will your ambitious plan help in conserving the species inhabiting the rainforests ?
  9. How do you plan to cover the whole of the country through these Rainforests Research Stations ?

Thank you, Mr. Whitaker.

II. Answers (hints etc,) along with interactions to be noted by the second group.

1. I would say that boundless enthusiasm for the wonders of nature and determination to save them has made me that. Actually the endless natural mysteries, wildlife and empathy and sympathy in the face of destruction have played a key role in my being so.

2. (With a smile) to create a network of rainforest research stations throughout India— since long—but didn’t have the wherewithal—bought a block of land at Agurnbe in Southern India.

3. The Whitley Award for Nature (helped a lot).

4. I have authored eight books and over 150 articles. The best environmental documentary has been the National Geographic film ‘King Cobra’.

5. I helped the Irula tribe people of Tamil Nadu to change over their traditional work of catching snakes to collecting snake venom to produce life-saving anti-venom serum. I spent the Whitley Award for Nature money in setting up these Research Stations.

6. I saw that forest clearance and some dams resulted in the drying up of rivers. Ground water tables are getting lower. Pollution and climate change may soon create a great water shortage problem. Hence Rainforests Service Stations and their importance.

7. It is to maintain Sita Nadi to evaluate the problems and involve the people in implementing the plan for augmenting water resources.

8. These stations will produce vital information over 100 new species of frogs, crabs etc. There will be an exchange of expertise and research, creation of biodiversity database and mobile educational programmes.

9. These stations are to be located in the Western Ghats ; one in the Assam and the next in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Thank You Mr. Whitaker.

III. A Report by the third group :

Whitaker, the Pioneer of Rainforests Research Stations and Conservationist of Green Nature—A Report

—by Praveen, Class XA, Spring Valley School, New Delhi

Romulus Earl Whitaker, a herpetologist, wildlife conservationist, founder of the Madras Snake Park, The Andaman and Nicobar Environment Trust, the Madras Crocodile Bank Trust and Rainforests Research Stations, is a famous name known to all nature lovers. In a Press Conference held tomorrow in our school he declared his dedication to preserving green nature to fight against the climate change, global warming and shortage of water.

With the help of various Awards like Rolex Funds and Whitley Award for Nature he has established Rainforests Research Stations in Tamil Nadu, Assam and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands to restore the depleting water reserves. His first station at Agumbe was a turning point for the Irula tribe people. They turned from snake catchers to helpers and contributors in the production of life-saving anti-venom serum.

His Rainforests stations in Tamil Nadu are not only research stations but institutions to teach the students biodiversity and how to preserve green nature to be a life-sustaining agency. In the press conference he told that these stations will produce vital information over 100 new species of frogs, crabs etc. These will also be an exchange of expertise and research creation of biodiversity database and mobile education programmes. Actually the climate change, global warming, greenhouse effect etc, made this herpetologist into an Environmentalist for whom life is like a big river.

Mr. Whitaker sees a bright future for restoring depleting water through these stations. He also sees it for educating the future generations about the essentiality of green nature for human and wildlife.

Question 5.
Listen to the passage ‘Wetlands, an Important Ecosystem’ and complete the following flowchart :
” alt=”” aria-hidden=”true” />NCERT Solutions for Class 10 English Main Course Book Unit 4 Environment Chapter 1 Treading the Green Path Towards Preservation 2
(a) marshes
(b) oases
(c) mud flats
(d) paddy fields
(e) 1. rivers 2. lakes 3. lagoons 4. mangroves 5. coral reefs.
(f) 1. fish and shrimp farms 2. ponds 3. irrigated land like paddy fields 4. salt pans 5. reservoirs.
(g) 1. checking floods 2. preventing soil erosion 3. reclaiming land 4. breeding marine organisms like shrimps etc 5. preventing siltation of water ways 6. erosion of forests 7. providing the source of water.

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